Friday, November 16, 2007

Sama Dubai , is this really going to happen ????

First sorry everyone that i didn't post for such a long time, because i was so busy studying u______u

these months in Tunisia, Everyone is talking about the Ultra Huge futur project in Tunisia calle "Sama Dubai"

it's a project that an emartian compagny will take care off, it will change Tunis city completely it's kind a City in center of tunis city, complicated isn't it

but still , there is no sure information about the real date when the construction will begin

WOW Tunisia is becoming a hell of a country, always taking steps forward
I'm very proud

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's Really stupid

This Time after Blocking the acces to web site DailyMotion , the Tunisian goverment blocked also the world wide famous web site

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, let go of à___à