i know that japanese are always original and Wierdo (not all of them)
and one of the many reasons tha make me feel like this is their fashion mode u____u
they are always wearing very very wierd clothes esepcially the young
i tried to know more about it, and i find that there is many kind of colthes style :
sweet Lolita, goth Lolita , ganguro or i don't what , anyway very wierd names
and one of the most thing that surprised me a lot, it's the japaense love for cosplay clothes , they like so much to wear the same clothes of mangas and video games charcters , that make me think that japanese thinks totally difrent from others
if a tunisian wears this kind of clothes here, that will be a desastre, he will be reduclized all his life, and of that i'm sure lol