Monday, October 15, 2007

idea hard to realise ????

i talked with Momo today about the tunsia-japan friendship association

in tunisia there are 2 association between japan and Tunisia

the first one Tunisie-Japon association : reserved for OLD PEOPLE and elite

the second one is an association of Alumini, it's an association of students who studied in Japan for more than year , os no chances to be a part of this association

i think to satart an association , even a few persosn are enough , what is important is to have soem support i don't know, from the Japanese embassy here for exemple or from the previous association, like everyone here knows , i'm still a student i don't have power or strengh to do this kidn of things alone

i wanna know what you think about it ?????


momo said...

I think you need to explain what you want to do by setting up this association. If you know the aim, people can advise you what to do more specifically :)

Slaim said...

I got in touch with a friend of mine who studied in Japan and speaks Japanese, he'll contact you soon inchallah

Anonymous said...

I can help you by telling you how to create an association in Tunisia.

Thank you for this good idea. Can I join you?

my email:

c u

Achref-kun (Flymer) said...

everyone is welcomed here ^^
and slaim what about your friend ???