Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's Really stupid

This Time after Blocking the acces to web site DailyMotion , the Tunisian goverment blocked also the world wide famous web site

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, let go of à___à


momo said...

You mean, you cannot access to Youtube at all? Is there state sensorship? That's really bad. When does Tunisia achieve real democracy, you think?

Achref-kun (Flymer) said...

Tunisia isfar away from achieving real democracy

how are we going to change ad advance while we doesn't have our full rights ??????????????

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. It is really stupid and annoying. I wonder when they will learn that censorship is never a good solution, that it always turns out to be counterproductive. Anyway, don't worry man. There is still a way to access Youtube in Tunisia. I would really have gone mad if i hadn't known it. Tell me if you want me to show it to you!

Oussama said...

I totally agree with you. It is really stupid and annoying. I wonder when they will learn that censorship is never a good solution, that it always turns out to be counterproductive. Anyway, don't worry man. There is still a way to access Youtube in Tunisia. I would really have gone mad if i hadn't known it. Tell me if you want me to show it to you!

Achref-kun (Flymer) said...

lol, it's okay, i already know how to manipulate the proxy and hide my Ip Adress ^^ but thanks for the help

Anonymous said...

hi everybody really its very annoying so please can you tell me how can i get access to youtube?