Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Massacre of Ghaza

120 died, in the Last isrealian attacks on Ghazza , it's always the same , people are dying there but the world remains silent and mute, watching this crisis
Even the UN is not doing her basic job, protecting and helping the people in need, so why this organization is established for ??????
it make me sad to see young children dying , and suffring
the government are bastards,all these higher ups just stand back at a distance and watch !!!!

will the world change and protect these young souls ????


Oussama said...
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Oussama said...

It is really shameful to see and hear those atrocities and not be able to do anything about them. It seems that the world reacts only when a handful of Israelis are killed but not when hundreds of Palestinians are murdered. Obviously. A Palestinian person is never equal to an Israeli one and an Israeli life is way more sacred to the UN than a Palestinian one. It is a crazy world!

Achref-kun (Flymer) said...

man, it's indeed a crazy world, but you know nothing lasts for too long and that's will be the matter for Isreal and US, the palestunians people will have their full freedom oneday, and that day is not far

Achref-kun (Flymer) said...

by the way, i cannot access to your blog Oussema

Oussama said...

You can now access my new blog if you want. Thanks for being interested!