Thursday, March 13, 2008

The one hour add

now, everyone in Tunisia is talking about this problem-like issue, the matter of "the addition of an hour" , what is it exactly and why the goverment took this decision

first, it's a pure economicly matter, because when we add an hour, night become shorter and the day longer, so the goverment thought that we can preserve a huge amount of money by no using much electricty like we usally do in winter
like that, it's like a saving...
well many people doesn't agree with this decision, because we can't just sleep for 7 hours after the add, while we were sleeping 8 hours before the add, it's very complicated
anyway, maybe it's a good way to save money, but it's not the case for us...


Oussama said...

I believe that only a few Tunisians really like that hour thing. The rest either do not care much or hate it intensely. As far as i am concerned, i still do not know to which of those categories i actually belong. In general, i am not completely against it and i am not completely for it because i believe that it has, like any other thing in the world, advantages and disadvantages.

Oussama said...

Probably, what i dislike most about it is that it seems now to last for quite a long time of the year, that it still goes on even in Ramadan when one really needs longer night and better sleep to be ok during the day.

Achref-kun (Flymer) said...

i prefer to be Neutral when it comes to this issue, well it is very helpful in summer for the people and for the goverment, but in winter it's diffrent, we doens't have enough time to sleep and have rest